Show and stream multiple production remote logs with Capistrano
Sometimes you want to see what’s happening in your production log files right now. You can use log management tools like Loggly or Papertrail for this, but there is also an easy way to stream your log files with Capistrano.
I found a basic implementation here, and improved it a bit.
# config/recipes/logs.rb
namespace :logs do
desc "tail and stream production log files"
task :tail, roles: :app do
file = fetch(:file, 'production') # uses 'production' as default
trap("INT") { puts 'Interupted'; exit 0; }
run "tail -f #{shared_path}/log/#{file}.log" do |channel, stream, data|
puts # for an extra line break before the host name
puts "#{channel[:host]}: #{data}"
break if stream == :err
# config/deploy.rb
load "config/recipes/logs"
The main difference is the trap("INT")
method which is used to abort the execution of the task with control + c
. Additionally, file = fetch(:file, 'production')
is used to specify the log file you want to show in the console. fetch
checks if there is an argument file
provided with the -s
flag. If not, it uses a default value.
Note: Capistrano handles arguments in a specific way. You cannot check the value of file
for nil
or set it with the ||=
So how do you run the task? It’s pretty easy:
# This will show and stream production.log
$ cap logs:tail
# This will show and stream cron.log
$ cap logs:tail -s file=cron
Any feedback? Just ping me at @tbuehl.